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Monitor. Measure. Maximize.

Realize Language™ is an online service that gives parents and professionals powerful ways to review and analyze a child's use of an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) speech device.

With Realize Language, you can now view data collected from AAC devices as simple:

Realize Language collects data generated by PRC’s AAC device, then organizes and analyzes the information into easy-to-understand graphic forms.

As your child uses the device over weeks and months, the tool allows you to gain better insight into his or her development.

With simple, one-click tools, you can:

A series of "How To Videos" videos are available to help you learn all the unique tools and reports that are included with a Realize Language subscription.

Try Realize Language FREE for 30 days and you'll see AAC in a whole new way! To learn more about Realize Language and to register for a free 30 day trial, visit

What is AAC?


Getting Started

Autism, CP & Diagnoses


Resource Library

AAC Guides

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